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Daily 16 indo

Assalamualaikum genks Membersikan semua alat alat yang sudah di gunakan dalam praktik Membuang sampah Membersikan kitchen Di penelitian kali ini saya akan membuat nugget dari tempe biji nangka, tapi sambil menunggu hasil fermentasi yang membutuhkan waktu 2-3 hari jadi kita hanya membantu teman yang membutuhkan di dapur, setelah itu kita juga membersikan kitchen bersama
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Daily 16 inggris

Assalamualaikum genkss  In this research I will make a nugget from jackfruit seed tempeh, but while waiting for the fermentation results which take 2-3 days so we only help friends who need it in the kitchen, after that we also clean the kitchen together

Daily 17 inggris

Assalamualaikum genkss Finalllll test Previously I've told you about our event that we were held on Thursday, December 5, 2019 at Balairung I Wayan Bendhi Poltekpar Makassar. In prepared the Celebes Traditional Culinary Fest event, we arranged the organitation structure to determined the supervisor who would handled all things of the event. Two days before event was held we were more focused to prepared the packagings, hall decorations, trial products, etc. The decoration processed we did for two days to got the maximum results. And this time I was given responsibility as a product supervisor. Therefore, I oversee every food that we set up to keep it running smoothly and also direct my friends to pay attention to all the food they handle. And on Wednesday we were focused in the kitchen to made all kind of products. Oh ya, in this event we devided the menus into 3 categories, such as Blue Code for Snack, likes Roti Maros, Barongko, Lopis, Klappertart, Cantik

Daily 17 indo

Assalamualaikum genkss Finallll  Sebelumnya saya sempat membahas mengenai event yang akan kami laksanakan pada hari Kamis, 5 Desember 2019 di Balairung I Wayan Bendhi Poltekpar Makassar. Dalam menyiapkan event Celebes Traditional Culinary Fest ini, kami menyusun struktur organisasi untuk menentukan supervisor yang akan menghandle semua kepentingan event. Dan kali ini saya diberi tanggung jawab sebagai supervisor produk. Oleh karena itu, saya mengawasi setiap makanan yang kami set up agar tetap berjalan lancar dan juga mengarahkan teman teman saya untk memperhatikan semua mkanan yang mereka hendel. Dan pada hari Rabu kami fokus di kitchen untuk membuat semua jenis produk. Oh iya, dalam event ini kami membagi menu-menu kami ke dalam 3 kategori, yaitu Blue Code untuk Snack, seperti Roti Maros, Barongko, Lopis, Klappertart, Cantik Manis, Onde-Onde Wijen, Tetu, Banana Ball, Choux, Lumpia, Songkolo, Crepes, dan Pawa Asin. Selanjutnya White Code untuk Drink, seperti Pe

Daily 15 indo

Assalamualaikum genkss Dalam penelitian ini saya pribadi masih mencari yang terbaik dari hasil fermentasi agar rasanya saat di goreng tidak pahit. 

Daily 15 inggris

Assalamualaikum genkss In this study I personally am still looking for the best from the fermentation results so that the taste when fried is not bitter.

Daily 14 inggris

Assalamualaikum genks A few weeks before we were told by our lecturer to made the lanterns used the mineral water plastic glass packaging. We were told to made 5 lanterns with various color based of our study program's logo, such as red, black, white, light blue, and dark blue. Because we didn't practiced today, we decided to made the lanterns by divided the task, some were washed and cleaned the plastic glasses, while others were made the lanterns.