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Daily Activity menu jepang

Ingredient for dorayaki

This week we enter to the second menu rotation after mid test, such as chinese food, thailand food, indonesian food and japanese food. As usually, we stand on oneline in front of the kitchen at 08.00 o'clock and continued with did the attendance and checked the self attributes. After that, we went into the main kitchen and stand on oneline again. Previously we had been told by Chef that the requirement to entered into the kitchen was a knife that must be sharp. Therefore, supervisors was checked our knifes one by one.

Made the dorayaki batter

       Before started the practice, we were given the direction by Chef about the menu rotation today, it was japanese food, such as okonomiyaki, miso soup, sushi and dorayaki. This week we were divided the new groups, and my group got the dessert section, it was dorayaki. Dorayaki is the Japanese dessert which is similiar to pancake, the different is dorayaki has a filling called azuki paste that made from azuki bean or red bean and has a texture like paste and has a sweet taste.  We were got much knowledge about japanese food, such as the name of ingredients we haven't seen before and the different cooking methods we've learned. Besides that, we were also told by Chef that all worked in the kitchen should be finished at 15.00 o'clock.
Red bean smoothed processed

       After done, we went to our sections. Today we just prepared the ingredients and will be completed tomorrow at lunch. My group was divided the task for made the dorayaki batter and azuki paste. The ingredients of dorayaki were egg, medium flour, sugar, baking powder, salad oil and freshmilk which was mixed together. While the ingredients of azuki paste were red bean and sugar which was boiled then simmered, and then smoothed with mixer. After all groups done, we did general cleaning and continued with took a rest.
The result of azuki paste

       At 15.00 o'clock, we back in the kitchen and entered into the classroom to watched the movie about the chef life. This was done with the aim that we can seen how the system worked in the kitchen that full of pressure, but must put forward the communication and coopertaion. After that, we stand on oneline in the main kitchen and we were shown by Chef how to cut the octopus for sushi. Next, at 17.30 we were back to home


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Utensil 8

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